Lo4 M4

What is metadata?

Photo metadata is a set of data describing and providing information about rights and administration of an image. It allows information to be transported with an image file, in a way that can be understood by other software and human users. This allows photographers to include copyright data into their images, as to stop people from stealing their work and calling it their own. 

EXIF Data. EXIF stands for 'Exchangeable Image File Format' and refers to the basic metadata that is generated and stored by your camera whenever you take a photo. While IPTC Photo Metadata standard is the most widely used standard because of its universal acceptance among photographers, distributors, news organisations, archivists, and developers. The schema defines metadata structure, properties, and fields, so that images are optimally described and easily accessed later

For each image, I labeled a descriptive title that could be easily found. Furthermore, I added copyright metadata into my image in the form of my name. This means that my photo will be mine and I can therefore copyright anyone who uses it without permission. After this, I included the date and location of when the photo was taken as to ensure the metadata was correct in the image. After all of this, it would sync the data and back it up towards my image. 

The copyright meta data that will be attached to my work.


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